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The power to transform “can’t” into “can”
Bringing together people from all walks of life

Teams consist of members with diverse backgrounds and experiences. While they may share common values, differences in opinions often arise when it comes to work. It is the leader’s responsibility to effectively reconcile these differing viewpoints. So, how can they best handle a team of diverse individuals? Let’s explore the mindset and actions that can unlock the team’s potential and build a brighter future.

Things you can do

You may notice that we are focusing on developing strengths. In particular, the newly appointed leader is dedicated to identifying the strengths of team members and maximizing their potential. Even for older members, age does not necessarily mean a lack of ability, so they are approached without preconceptions. Experience and knowledge can be valuable assets that can be further developed as strengths, even for younger team members. Not having preconceived notions and treating people without bias requires conscious effort. Some people have a tendency to make snap judgments about others, but I believe they are missing out. There are those who judge people based solely on their job title, but it seems like they are relinquishing their own ability to judge others.

For the given request, the translation is as follows:


Regarding the result

While it is not always possible to anticipate the outcome, it is an important aspect of the journey. Generating tangible results, not just in words, can lead to transformation and serve as a turning point.

Creating a bright atmosphere is also crucial. A gloomy atmosphere hampers team productivity and creativity. Such offices give off a messy impression. We don’t want to judge solely based on brightness or darkness, but the fact remains.

Breaking free from impossibilities

Breaking free from the fixed notion of “can’t” is a significant theme. I recently encountered leaders who vehemently insisted, “That’s absolutely impossible.” They stubbornly claimed it couldn’t be done, without any basis for their belief, and their conviction failed to resonate with others. It seemed as if they were confusing “can’t” with “don’t want to.” Certainly, asserting “can’t” would make things easier for them.

People begin to act in a way that proves their statements. The moment they express an opinion like “It’s pointless” or “It won’t work,” they inadvertently start taking actions to validate those beliefs. Therefore, it is best not to vocalize such thoughts. While there may be obstacles, it is important to keep moving forward and not discount the possibility of success, no matter how slim.


Experiencing something that breaks our own limitations may be difficult to achieve in our work. However, by not denying possibilities, we can explore the few that exist. Leaders may need to make an effort to let go of fixed ideas. Going forward, it is important to understand that walls will continue to emerge, and as preparation for that, not denying possibilities can turn “cannot” into “can.”